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Te Huinga Tauira

Te Huinga Tauira is the annual National Māori Students’ Conference where tertiary students gather to discuss and debate topical issues, participate in cultural and sporting activities, and raise awareness about some of the issues that impact on Māori students at tertiary institutions, and within the wider community. Te Huinga Tauira is also an opportunity for Māori students to nurture and maintain their cultural identity, access social and support networks outside of their institutions, and participate in activities that enhance, and add value to, their experiences within the context of their learning.


Whilst Te Huinga Tauira is where the AGM of Te Mana Ākonga is held, it is also the one hui where all tauira Māori can come and engage with other tauira Māori. Te Mana Ākonga provides a national voice on the challenges for tauira in the  tertiary sector and also as members of the wider community.


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