Te Oranga Tauira o Te Mana Ākonga
Tauira Māori Mental Health Working Group
This roopū was first convened in March 2019 with the purpose of informing Te Mana Ākonga on the state of Mental Health within the tauira Māori in Tertiary Education.
This roopū, takes a proactive and solution focused approach. It’s apparent that tauira are struggling with mental health and rather than waste time continuing old discussions this roopū focus' on providing solutions for our Tauira. This roopū feels that there is complacency and a lack of urgency in regards to addressing the problems we face. Our roopū aspires to motivate movement amongst our TMA roopū by leading initiatives that will generate positive change. As they address their objectives they will ensure that their initiatives are kaupapa Māori centred, placing manaakitanga and mana enhancement at the forefront.
Te Mahara Swanson-Hall (Ngāi Tauira)
Tahu-Potiki Te Maro-Doran (Ngāi Tauira)
Kiri Turner (Te Waka)
Jessica Collins (Manawatahi)
Kiritopa Allen (Te Waiora)
Kawa Stirling (Te Waiora)
Ellen Pryor (Te Awhiōraki)
Te Kohitu Cooper (Te Akatoki)
Te Kowhai Robinson (Ngā Tauira Māori)
Te Whatumanawa Ngatai Tangirua (Te Roopū Māori)
Zaine Akuhata-Huntington (Te Roopū Māori)
Chair: Mamaeroa Merito
Secretary: Tiana Mihaere
Te Pararē
National Māori Student Publication Working Group
The purpose of 'Te Pararē' is to share our collective tauira Māori voice, speaking for ourselves about issues that are relevant to us. Te Pararē supports Te Reo me ona Tikanga. We will achieve this by creating a space in which Māori writers and artists can contribute their ideas, analyses and experiences. Te Pararē focus' on critically engaging with issues which affect Māori tauira, and in turn impacting our wider society. It will inform and entertain from a tauira Māori perspective. We recognise that this isn’t going to answer or solve everything, but we are aspiring to debate and provide dialogue about contentious issues in a meaningful way.
The name 'Te Pararē' was given to us by Te Wehi Wright, one of our Tumuaki Takirua from 2017. Te Pararē means to speak, shout, call out. It has a more frustrating tone to it to bring to attention to be unapologetically loud.
Taylor Terekia (Te Roopū Māori)
Waimihia Maniapoto-Love (Ngā Tauira Māori)
Hinerangi Curtis (Te Akatoki)
Mishael Coulter (Te Awhiōraki)
Kelly Renata (Manawatahi)
Te Aorewa Areta (Ngāi Tauira)
Michael Trumper (Te Waka)
Chair: Mamaeroa Merito
Secretary: Tiana Mihaere