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  • Te Rauaroha Tuhoro

Te Pūrongo | Hepetema, Wiki 2/3

Te Pararē presents the top stories of the week about or by tauira Māori across the motu.

Ko te reo te mauri o te mana māori.

Australia TV host Rowan Dean, panel slam mātauranga māori

The title is self-explanatory. A panel of Australians discussing a topic they do not understand or can comprehend. Precaution: Gets the blood boiling.

University Steps Up To Matatini Partnership

This year marking Te Matatini’s 50th year the University of Auckland set out to be involved in the world’s leading celebration for kapa haka (for the first time ever). As the university plans to introduce a new strategy which includes a strong focus on Te Ao Māori principle, the articles discuss the positives kapa haka has had on māori tertiary students and their education.

This Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori we celebrated the 50th year since The Māori Language petition was delivered to parliament. Led by rangatahi māori, we hear their kōrero on the trials and tribulations and effort that was put into achieving this movement, their experience and involvement to help get Te Reo Māori recognised at the level it is today across the motu.

The Te Reo Māori Warriors who fought to ensure the Māori language would not die

Wahine toa: Hana Te Hemara and the fight for the Māori language.

Remembering the Māori Language Petition and the revival of Te Reo Māori


More stories from our student magazine whanaunga:

(hei mōhio: these stories were written for local audiences)

Following on from the efforts of alumni before us, this week there was no shortage of kōrero by tauira māori across the motu, as they continue to express the adversities we face as rangatahi and how we continue to fight for Te Reo Māori. Check all the kōrero out below!

Where are the Māori?

Nā Ash Putt-Fallows for Salient Magazine (Te Herenga Waka)

He Tura Nō Te Reo Māori Society

Nā Te Komiti Whakahaere o Te Hōhaieti o Te Reo Māori for Salient Magazine (Te Herenga Waka)

Tā Moko Now, Tā Moko Forever

Nā Kiritea Smith & Te Ariki Mana Wagner for Critic Te Arohi Magazine (Otago University)

Petihana Te Reo Māori

Nā Rutene Rickard for Critic Te Arohi Magazine (Otago University)

Muru | Dir. Tearepa Kahi

Nā Omni Arona for Craccum Magazine (Auckland University)

Tokenism: “We are not here just to tick a few boxes.”

Nā Alex Carter for Canta Magazine (University of Canterbury)

Psyched: The Renaissance of Te Reo Māori.

Nā Ella Gibson for Canta Magazine (University of Canterbury)

I will not speak Te Reo Māori

Nā Kyla Campbell-Kamiera for Nexus Magazine (Waikato University)

Kōrero huri noa i te paparahua.

Nā Jak Rāta for Nexus Magazine (Waikato University)

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.


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