E kimi tonu ana tōku whānau I tō mātou whakapapa, ēngari kua kimi hononga mātou ki Te Tairāwhiti, ki a Ngāti Porou. Tēnā koa tautoko mai, whakamōhio mai mena he mātauranga ōu.
Hoei anō, he taonga tōku whakapapa mai i tōku whānau whangai. Ko Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Ranginui me Ngāi Te Rangi ngā iwi. I whānau mai au ki roto i te poho o Tauranga Moana. I tipu ake au ki roto i te whenua taurikura o Whaingaroa. Ināianei e noho ana au ki Te Papaioea e whakamutu ana i tōku tohu paetahi a Māori Visual Art.
Hāpaitia te ara tika kia pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mo ngā uri whakatipu.
I am your Te Pararē Kaiwāwāhi Toi / Arts Editor.
Our pūrākau and whakapapa have been shared and passed down through our art forms, since the beginning of time. Hinetītama, the first true human, was questioning her whakapapa and place in this world. So, Hineahuone, the creator of people, sent her to ask the pou of the whare. The pou revealed much more than her whakapapa. They revealed the pūrākau of the wider order of things and that her whānau were procreators and storytellers. Our art forms (traditional and contemporary) keep us connected to our tūpuna. It is a form of healing for our people. This is why our art forms have survived the impacts of colonisation and are still living today.
Let’s not let colonisation continue to suppress our voices!
Share your artwork, let it speak for itself or add your story alongside it. Your art is the art of your ancestors, no matter how contemporary. The Art section of Te Pararē will cover all forms of art including but not limited to;
Visual Arts (painting, drawing, digital drawing etc…)
Written Arts (poetry, articles, RANTS!)
Videography & Musical Arts (spoken word, waiata)
Don’t forget to self-promote! Link your pages! Don’t be whakamā, you aren’t being a kūmara. Let your mahi be seen and be heard.
Be your ancestors wildest dreams.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.
Noho mai rā i roto i ngā manaakitanga katoa,
Jess Collins
Te Pararē Kaiwāwāhi Toi